5. A War More Dreadful Than Nuclear War

The war between the mind and body is more hazardous than World War II and more dreadful than nuclear war. There are truces in those wars, but here there is no truce and no end. Since the Fall there has been no truce, but only fighting in the very core of our mind, and this will continue until it comes to an end. Such people built families and tribes, and so they fight more. Furthermore, they have formed peoples, which are fighting even more, and these combine as nations, which are fighting ever more and more.

Up to the present time, human history has been filled with wars. There was not a single day without war. Where is the basis for war? That is the mind and body. Because mind and body are the base for war, the individual, family, tribe, and nation all became like that. (19-287)

Neither the First nor the Second World Wars were the biggest wars in world history. There has never been a bigger war than the war of conquering myself. This war has continued unabated for six thousand years. Has it ended or not? More bundles of sin have been continuously piled on. Accordingly, six thousand years of sinful history is concentrated upon you. Then, who will overturn this sinful history? Because you are incapable of doing that, you need a Messiah with stronger power than you. To be sure, we need the Son of God. (21-189)

How difficult it is to save one person, yourself, from evil! What is the main problem for the Unificationist? It is how to completely liberate OmeO centering upon mind and body. How difficult is this task, and how intensive is this battle? We cannot even compare it with such a war as the competition between the USA and the Soviet Union. This fight between the democratic world and the Communist world is not the real problem. It is much more difficult than that war. This is the fight originating in myself.

Just as two parties are fighting within one individual, there are also two parties in the family, in the society, in the nation, and in the world. According to heritage or legacy, on one side is the evil individual, evil family, evil society, evil nation, and evil world, and on the other side is the good individual, good family, good society, good nation, and good world. This world is divided like that. One side is under the sphere of religion, centered upon God, and the other side is under the sphere of the material, denying God. That is the state of the human being and all humankind. (41-63)

There is greater damage resulting from the war between mind and body than any kind of suffering in the world or all the trouble and destruction caused by war. You must know that tremendous sorrow remains after the defeat of the mind.

Even though many times per day the mind is defeated in the battle with the body, people don't even realize it. However, people never forget the moment they tripped over a stone and fell down in the street. People remember very well, and remark OOh! Here I tripped and fell decades ago!" Yet we can be sure there are countless people who forget and think nothing of the defeat of their mind in the battle between mind and body.

If we were to think about it, however loudly you would like to excuse yourself, you are the person bearing the label of a stragglerNa defeated soldier. But, originally, the mind was supposed to win the victory in the battle between mind and body, and to always gain control over the body. Because this was not the case, the mind and body came to pursue different directions separately. (19-285)