In fact, the United States couldnOt recognize her mission and she did whatever she wanted to do. She did many things for her own sake. She thought the world existed for her sake and that democracy existed also for her sake. She didnOt act like a God-centered nation. The will of God is to save the United States for the world. The United States was the key founding member for the UN, but she has made the UN a dysfunctional organization now. The Communist nations occupy the UN today. The enemies took all the blessings which God's nation should have taken. God's side lost Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America. When the United States retreated from the Vietnam War, God was very sad. When God looked at this situation, He could not be happy. No one can trust and admire the United States anymore, because she moves only for the sake of herself. No one believes that the United States fulfilled her own mission for the world. If Germany, France and Italy had become Communist nations, the people of those nations as well as the people of Asia would be blaming the failure on the United States. She would be the enemy nation of the world including the Communist regime. Eventually she would perish. If the people of the United States do not awaken themselves, the nation will soon perish. Look at the situation of the relationship between the Philippines and the United States and the matter of the Thailand airport. These nations have hostility toward the United States. God trusted the United States and gave her all authority to have dominion over the world. However, she didnOt fulfill the mission and may perish. The nation will receive God's judgment through social problems such as broken families, immorality and drugs. This is the reason that the Communists are saying OAmerica is our bait." The people of America should not be proud of themselves. They are in a very shameful position now. (80-251) Within 60 years, from 1917 to 1977, the Communist nations have occupied over one-third of the world. As you know the number 6 signifies the number of Satan. The Communist nations will take two-thirds of the world in the Last Days. The time will come that everyone will say that "the democratic world is perishing now." Today is the time of Last Days. In the UN, the United States, Korea and Israel are in a lonely situation. Everybody else is on the side of the Communists. What is the United StatesO mission at this point? She must not unite with the satanic world but with the good spirit world. She must reconstruct the system of the democratic world. God's will for the United States is: get rid of the Communist nations in the UN and reorganize the UN. The United States must make that determination right now. If the Christian world unites, the Communists canOt stand anywhere in the world. Therefore, there should be a Christian UN, centered on the United States. She must understand that Christianity in the nation has a big responsibility to bring the unity of world Christianity. In the Christian UN, they would discuss the conflicts of the world and God's providence for the world. At the same time they would work for world peace. The spirit of a Christian UN would be love and sacrifice for the sake of God and fellow man. It should be the place where the hope of humanity is fulfilled. They would not discuss war, rather they would research the way of humankind's well-being. If the Christian UN had been established earlier, there would be no place the Communists could stand in this world. Even though the Communists started in Siberia, they would disappear before they could expand their thought to the world. However, the Christian leaders and the United States couldnOt fulfill the mission. This is the reason the people of the world have a fear toward the Communists in today's world. The unity of the Christian world will save Christianity and the United States which was founded in the spirit of Christianity. When the United States is saved, Rev. Moon will save the world. The United States should be the foundation to save the world. (1986.6.6)