A people who follow a clear purpose will not perish, but become more and more united through long periods of difficulties. We can find examples of this fact throughout history. For example, even though the Jewish people have suffered intolerable situations, they have never forgotten that they are God's chosen people. Even though they suffered persecution and sorrow wherever they went, they kept moving forward, clinging to hope. The persecution and sorrow did not defeat them, but helped them to unite to overcome their difficulties. Sorrow can be a cause of disappointment, but it can be a cause of gathering inner power. Inner power can accomplish a purpose. Then, what did the people of Israel wish for? They hoped to experience the thought unifying the heart of the nation and people. They sought after this and kept it in their minds when they died. They left behind the sorrow of not having fulfilled this. They expressed their dying wish to accomplish this. When we see this, we can imagine that the more a people has passed through a sad course of history, the more this people can receive the victorious foundation of world history through that course of history. From this viewpoint, the people losing its nation was sorrowful, but if its purpose was strong the sorrow was the motivation to receive hope. If the people of Israel had had their nation and had felt sorrow only on the level of the people, that sadness would have someday flowed away. The more they confronted sorrowful fortune without having a nation, the more they developed the conception of nation and love of their people. Because they faced the sorrow, they pursued a new nation and environment to break down the old practices. You must know that this people will be able to gain victory one day. If there is a people that does not fall down into despair, but unites and explodes with love for its nation, then we must think that this people has the power to move world history.