Section 4. The People that will Guide Mankind

1. Which people can Guide Mankind in the Last Days?

Who is coming as the Messiah in the future? What country is he coming from? Is he the pilot of an airplane? Is he an astronaut who has been to the moon? There are such people, but they are not qualified to guide mankind. Will the Messiah be a famous scholar? No. The Messiah is a religious leader. God will find a religious leader who can transcend people and culture. Rich people and people from highly developed cultures do not like to suffer. They refuse to take the suffering path. I have employed many American people. If it is time to go home, they stop working.

Korean people work hard even though it is time to go home if the work they are responsible for is not completed. The rich want to be comfortable. They like easy work and do not like to experience difficulties. When you climb a mountain, it is very difficult to get to the top. People who love climbing, who like taking the difficult path, are all very strong and enduring. They are harsh and tough people. Why are you laughing? They are the most thick-skinned, tough people in the world. They are the strongest and most tenacious people in the world. They are a homogeneous people.

A guide must have a constant, unchanging mind. He must always speak and act with confidence. He can never allow his mind to waver as the situation changes. An unchanging people is one that can hope to guide mankind in the future.