2) God Who Has Been Unable to Welcome the Spring

We are now welcoming the spring season. When we ask what are the things that like spring, we can first mention the grass and the trees. Then the insects like spring, and after that the birds and animals like it.

Among the animals the one which we can say likes it the best is man. Humankind likes spring and especially welcomes spring even more than the other animals. If we look at the birds twittering on this spring morning we can realize that they are also sensitive to the arrival of spring.

If God exists, when will He welcome the spring? If God created all the things that appear in the spring, when He comes to see them greeting the spring, we can see that He begins to greet the spring at that moment. If we should say that the grass and the trees are the very first to welcome spring, then that is where the first stage of God's welcoming of the spring takes place. Then whenever the insects and such animals as birds come to greet the spring, God also greets the spring. While passing through all these stages, where is the place that God finally desires as the best place to welcome spring?

You all need to know what kinds of phenomena occur in spring. Although spring starts from the moment the plants put forth new shoots, above all it is the time when animals mate and conceive their offspring. By twittering, the birds find their mate. We can know that they are starting to murmur love to one another. The singing of birds on a spring day is for the purpose of making a new start and reproducing new offspring.

In that case we need to think about the moment when God is most joyful. Without doubt God also wanted a place where He could sing together in harmony with His object. The insects are singing. The grass and trees are singing and humans are also singing songs of spring. In that case, although it is a fact that God Himself wants to sing spring songs, it is a serious problem when we think how God can be enabled to sing songs of spring. In the beginning God was unable to welcome the normal spring that He desired. Owing to the fall of man, God was unable to welcome the spring. Throughout past history although spring and summer have come, they have all been sorrowful seasons. Therefore, we must welcome spring again. If we look back over our human history, from the beginning of history we have welcomed sorrowful springs. We have started out not with songs but with tears. This means that the human ancestors Adam and Eve suffered expulsion from the Garden of Eden as a result of the Fall.