2) Who Will be Responsible for This World?

Who will take the responsibility for this world? It's not Korea's problem. WouldnOt you like to ask God directly: "Lord, to whom would you give the responsibility? To which nation would you give this world?" As you know, we are passing through an age of false ideologies. There are so many world views and values right before our eyes.

Which is our way? This is a big issue. Where should we go? Is it America? Is it Communism? Communism is a problem too. Where would the 4 billion people go? Fishermen cannot even catch enough fish during the season. We cannot work up a mood for peace when we have to struggle with lack of natural resources, population problems, pollution, and housing shortages. So, desperation is a natural outcome.

Then, who shall be responsible for this world? It's a serious matter. Korea is in the same situation. Look, Communism wants to Communize the world, the Americans want to Americanize the world. You cannot be a true world leader if, in the guise of democracy, you want to protect your self-interest at the expense of the world. We must have a tribe or a religious organization that sacrifices itself many times over to save the world and lead it to a higher plateau of perfection. I looked all over for that religious institution...but I found none among the existing ones.

I pity America. It has fallen into the pits. They canOt even mention God without feeling shame. The ministers have lost their dignity. Who can solve all this? Not man, but God can do it. He chose the Reverend Moon to come and organize young people for a counterattack...according to his instructions. It's not my own doing.

Who is this Reverend Moon of the Unification Church? Nothing special. Can you love your enemy more than your own kind? I am that simple. It's the Will of God that I am here. He sacrificed his only son to save the children of his nemesis, Satan, who has to bow to God who sacrificed his own most loyal servants to save the children of the devil. Even Satan cannot exercise his powers over God, often crying OOh, Lord!" in obedience. This is the knowledge you must live by.