2) Today's World has no Center

What can we call today's world, a confused world or a peaceful world? (Confused.) Does it have a center or not? (No center.) Is this world full of hope or of desperation? (Desperation.) Everything is upside down. This is that kind of time.

When you look at this world, it has no center. We don't know where to go. We don't know what is good and what is evil. We don't know the place that's good for the individual, for the family, for the nation or for the world.

This world has no center. IsnOt that so? When you ask where is the center of the individual, there is none. America has attained the position of a world leader. But because there is no center it is declining. This is all because of individualism. Americans say, "I don't like this culture.

Why has this world fallen into despair? There is no owner. There is no central owner, that's why. When you look at yourself, you don't know where your center is. America doesnOt know its center. The world doesnOt know its center. The center is where horizontal and vertical meet to form a 90 degree angle. But this world is all a mess. Sometimes the angles are 45 degrees or 85 degrees. Sometimes 270 degrees. They're all different.

As you know, no one in this time can suggest what ideal form this world should take. At this time we can only hope for a forward leap. In order to leap or soar we need a purpose. We cannot leap blindly. The next question after you leap is where to go. Direction is the next problem.

What kind of world is today's world? It has no center. You have to know this. There is no ideological center, no center of society. There is no center of the individual self, no owner. Do you think your mind is the owner of yourself? Sometimes your body plays the owner's role.

This is a confused world. We see that the world has reached a deadlock. How can we solve this problem? Could the solution come from a philosopher or a scientist? No, this is impossible. Not from a philosopher or scientist. Not from an economist. It can come only from the foundation representing the parental heart of humankind.

In the Last Days only God can open the door. Not an ideology, not a person, only God. So you must know that the Lord at the Second Advent is coming to open this door. Fallen people, no matter how sincere they are or how much filial piety they have, cannot open the door. So the Messiah, who can open the door with the help of the Divine Principle, must come.

Throughout human history many ancestors have come and gone. But no one completed God's Will. So God promised one world representative who could bring victory over Satan and establish the foundation of victory on the individual, family, tribe, nation and world levels. He is the Messiah.

When he comes this fallen world, for the first time in human history, will be cleansed completely and will move forward toward the world of goodness.