Who is Satan? He is the god of fornication. In the Last Days Satan will deny God, deny the church, and deny God's tradition of the family. When these kinds of phenomena take place, it is the Last Days. Communism denies God and refers to religion as an Oopiate." Communism denies the family centered on religion. This is because Satan knows that God will subjugate him centered on religion, and through the God-centered family. So Satan denies religion and the family through Communism. Satan knows when he denies God that he himself will eventually be denied by humankind. He knows that humankind will return to God eventually. He also knows that humankind will not attend him. What he wants is to prevent humankind from attending God. You must know how very evil Satan is! Satan seduced Eve when she was naive. Now in the Completed Testament era, young people must not be drawn by the attractions of their environment. They must remain aloof, otherwise Satan will trample on the hearts of all humankind. Communists say, OLet's play! Sing and dance! Make love!" This is the destructive strategy of the Communists. Satan wants to destroy us through this kind of environment. The organization which the Communists hate most is the Unification Church. They seduce young people with their propaganda, encouraging them to dance, play and make love. But no matter how loudly they speak Unification Church members ignore them. First of all you have to experience God's vertical love.