3. The Appearance of Fallen Man and the Fallen World

1) As a Result of the Fall, Man has Two Masters

God is supposed to rule everything, day and night, by love. Because the standard of His rulership is love, beyond time and space, God Himself needs love in order to rule. We can conclude that without love, existence has no meaning. This ideal was lost because of the fall. The fall was caused by love. The origin of love is not the eye or the mouth. The fall occurred through the sexual organs with which man and woman unite. Because of the fall, everything was destroyed.

The meeting place of love is the place where all the senses come together. But because of the fall this standard was destroyed, resulting in great loss to the cosmos. In order to return to the original position, we have to go through the process of re-creation. As a result of the fall, man has two masters. If there were only one master it would be easy to return to Him. But since there are two, it is not easy.

Ordinarily, created beings would easily harmonize with their true master, God, without any conflict. But now we have one minus and two plusses, with one of the plusses in rebellion against God. A strong opposing force came into being. Satan works with this external force, while God works with an internal force. As a result, there are two conflicting subjects within one man. Satan became the external subject of man, while God remained the internal subject.

Man is in a constant state of conflict between these internal and external forces. This is what the struggle between the physical mind and the conscience is all about.

Throughout a man's life his spirit and body should be united; likewise his mind and conscience should be united. But in reality they rebel against each other and move in all different directions. Sometimes they are pulled in one direction, and sometimes they lose all sense of direction. Not only did Adam and Eve become this kind of being, but all their offspring were placed in the same situation. Ten people move in ten different directions. This is the fallen world that has come about on earth.