What is the "age of providential time-identity"? When we look into the
course of human history, we often find that a certain historical course,
similar to that of a past age, is repeated in later ages, although there may
be some difference in degree and scope. Historians, seeing such phenomena,
say that history progresses in a spiral of repeating identical patterns.
They never know the cause, however. If a certain age is a repetition of the
historical course of the previous age, that age is called the "age of
providential time-identity". The reason for calling this the age of
providential time-identity will be explained later in detail, but it is
mainly because all those phenomena are originally based on God's providence
of restoration through indemnity.
Why then does the age of providential time-identity occur? All the facts
occurring in the course of fulfilling the purpose of God's providence of
restoration have formed human history. However, when a certain central
figure who has been walking the providential course fails to carry out his
portion of responsibility, the age of providence centering on that person
comes to an end. Nevertheless, since God's predestination for the will is
absolute (cf. Part I, Ch. 6--193), God would set up another person in place
of the former, and establish a new age to restore through indemnity the
foundation to receive the Messiah. Since this new age is one of restoration
through indemnity of the historical course of the previous age, the same
course of history needs to be repeated, and thus the age of providential
time-identity is formed.
Meanwhile, the persons in charge of the providence of restoration must
restore horizontally through indemnity all the vertical conditions of
indemnity belonging to the previous age. Therefore, as the vertical
conditions of indemnity increase with the prolongation of the providence of
restoration, the conditions of indemnity to be set up horizontally become
heavier and heavier. Accordingly, the age of providential time-identity will
also gradually become different in its content and extent. This is the
reason the forms of the respective ages of providential time identity are
not exactly the same.
In the meantime, when we classify the three stages of the period of
growth by type, the formation stage is the symbolic type, the growth stage
is the image type, and the perfection stage is the substantial type.
Therefore, the ages in the providential course of restoration identically
repeating these types have reproduced similar types of history. That is,
when we divide the whole period of the providential history of restoration
from the viewpoint of time-identity by type, the providential age for the
foundation of restoration is the age of symbolic time-identity, while the
providential age of restoration is the age of image time-identity, and the
providential age of the prolongation of restoration is the period of
substantial time-identity. Next, we must know the factors which form the age
of providential time-identity. The ages of time-identity repeat themselves
because the providence to restore the foundation to receive the Messiah is
being repeated. Accordingly, we may first list, as the factors which help to
create the age of providential time-identity, three conditions for the
restoration of the foundation of faith: the central figure for this
foundation, the necessary conditional objects, and the mathematical length
of the period. Secondly, we can list the condition of indemnity to remove
the fallen nature in order to restore the foundation of substance.
The ages of providential time-identity formed by such factors exhibit the
following two characteristics:
First, the providential time-identity is formed by the factor of the
number of the years or generations which make up the mathematical period of
indemnity to restore the foundation of faith. The providential history of
restoration was the history of God's providence (through men), which
involved repeatedly restoring through indemnity the foundation of faith.
This foundation had been lost because the central figures in charge of the
providence failed in carrying out their portions of responsibility. Thus it
has been necessary to repeat the providence to restore through indemnity the
mathematical period of faith. After all, the ages of providential
time-identity have repeatedly formed identical types through the repetition
of certain numbers of years or generations. The purpose of this chapter is
to handle the questions concerning this process.
Second, the providential time-identity is formed by the factors of the
historical facts in the providence such as: the central figure and the
conditional objects to restore the foundation of faith, and the condition of
indemnity to remove the fallen nature for the restoration of the foundation
of substance. Since the purpose of the providence of restoration is to
establish the foundation to receive the Messiah, the providence to restore
this foundation should repeat itself if the providence is prolonged.
Meanwhile, the foundation to receive the Messiah can be established only
by restoring first the foundation of faith through the symbolic offering,
and then the foundation of substance through the substantial offering.
Consequently, the history of the providence of restoration has been a
repetition of the providence of restoring the symbolic offering and the
substantial offering. Therefore, the age of providential time-identity is
formed centering on the historical facts in the providence, which have been
efforts to restore these two kinds of offerings. Questions concerning this
will be discussed in detail in the following chapter.
We have previously discussed the fact that God's providence of
restoration had been prolonged from Adam to Noah, to Abraham, to Moses,
finally coming down to Jesus. Due to the faithlessness of the people, Jesus
died without completely accomplishing his purpose. The providence of
restoration is therefore being prolonged to the time of the Second Advent.
Why then is the providence of restoration prolonged? This is a question
to be solved only by the theory of predestination. According to the theory
of predestination, God's will is predestined to be fulfilled as an absolute.
Therefore, the will, once set up, must eventually be fulfilled. However,
since the fulfillment of the will centering on any person is relative, the
will would be fulfilled only when God's portion of responsibility and man's
portion are combined. Accordingly, when God's will is not fulfilled, because
the person with the mission of fulfilling the will fails to accomplish his
own portion of responsibility, God will set up another person, in a
different age, in his place. Then He will work His providence of fulfilling
the will without fail. Thus, the providence of restoration is prolonged.
Next, we must know the manner in which the providence of restoration is
prolonged. According to the principle of creation, God is a being of the
number "three", and all things created in His image and likeness present
themselves through courses in the number three, either in their aspect of
existence, their movement, or their process of growth. Therefore, to fulfill
the purpose of creation by establishing the four position foundation and
performing circular movement, they must pass three points, by fulfilling the
three objective purposes according to the three-stage action of origin,
division and union. Meanwhile the providence of restoring the purpose of
creation is that of recreation through the Word, so it may be prolonged to
as many as three stages in the prolongation of the providence of
restoration, according to the principle of creation.
In Adam's family, when the "substantial offering" by Cain and Abel ended
in failure, the will was prolonged three times, through Noah to Abraham.
Upon Abraham's failure in his "symbolic offering", the will was prolonged
through Isaac to Jacob. The courses of the restoration of Canaan centering
on Moses or Jesus were prolonged three times each. The ideal of erecting the
temple, due to King Saul's mistake, was prolonged through King David to King
Solomon. God's ideal of creation, left unfulfilled through Adam, was
prolonged three times, through Jesus, the second Adam, to the time of the
Second Advent. One proverb says, "If not done at first attempt, it will be
sure at the third.", thus verifying the principle found in our actual life.
The central figure in charge of the will of the providence of restoration
cannot succeed and accomplish the mission of his predecessors unless he can
restore through indemnity, in his time, all the conditions of indemnity
which the persons in charge of the same missions, in the providential course
until this time, tried to set up. Accordingly, when this person again fails
to accomplish this mission, the conditions of indemnity which he failed to
set up would be handed on to the next person with that mission. Those
conditions, historically accumulated and added to by the failure of the
persons in charge of the providence in the providential course of
restoration, are called "vertical conditions of indemnity". When they are
restored through indemnity centering on one who has a specific mission, we
call this "horizontal restoration through indemnity".
For example, in order for Abraham to accomplish his mission, he would
have had to horizontally restore through indemnity all the vertical
conditions of indemnity which Adam's and Noah's families had tried to set
up. Abraham's sacrifices with the three offerings at once on the altar were
to horizontally restore through indemnity the vertical conditions of
indemnity, which had been prolonged through the three stages of Adam, Noah,
and Abraham. Consequently, the three offerings symbolized all the conditions
which Adam and Noah had failed to set up, and which Abraham himself was to
set up.
Since Jacob had to set up the condition of restoring through indemnity,
at once and horizontally, the vertical conditions of indemnity for the 12
generations from Noah down to himself, he had 12 sons and multiplied them
into 12 tribes. Likewise, Jesus also had to restore through indemnity,
horizontally and at one time, centering on himself, all the vertical
conditions of indemnity left by the numerous prophets in charge of the
providence of restoration in the course of the 4,000 years of providential
For example, Jesus set up the 12 apostles and 70 disciples to restore
through indemnity belonging to Jacob's course, in which God worked His
providence, centering on the 12 sons and 70 kinsmen, and Moses' course, in
which God worked His providence centering on 12 tribes and 70 elders. Again,
Jesus' 40 days of fasting and prayer were to restore through indemnity (at
once and horizontally centering on himself) all the vertical conditions of
indemnity in setting up the 40-day separation from Satan necessary to
establish the foundation of faith. Seen from this aspect, a person in charge
of the providence of restoration stands not only as an individual, but also
as the representation of all the saints and prophets who have previously
been on earth with the same mission. At the same time he represents the sum
total of the historical fruit of all of them.
Next, let us study what horizontal restoration through indemnity carried
out vertically is. As already stated in detail in the section on the
providence of restoration centering on Abraham's family, Abraham's case
corresponded to the third one in the providence to restore the family level
foundation for the Messiah. Accordingly, Abraham was, at that time, under
the condition in the Principle to fulfill the will by all means. Therefore,
he had to restore through indemnity, at once and horizontally, all the
vertical conditions of indemnity accumulated by the failure of Adam's and
Noah's family. However, Abraham failed in his symbolic offering, and the
mission had to be prolonged to the next stage. Here, God had to set up
Abraham, who failed, in the position of having succeeded, and also had to
set up the vertical prolongation of the providence of restoration, in the
position as if it were horizontally restored through indemnity, without any
prolongation. In order to work His providence in such a way, God had
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob set up the condition of indemnity, all as a unit
centering on the will, though they were three different individuals, as was
discussed in the section on the providence of restoration centering on
Abraham. Thus Abraham, Isaac and Jacob formed a unit, seen from the will.
Therefore, Jacob's success was Isaac's success, while it was also Abraham's
success. Consequently, even though the will centering on Abraham was
prolonged vertically to Isaac and then to Jacob, it was regarded as being
horizontally restored through indemnity, centering on Abraham, without any
prolongation, when we see it from the viewpoint of the will.
Therefore, we must regard Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as the one man,
Abraham, centering on the will. In consequence, it was as if the will was
fulfilled in one generation of Abraham. In the Bible (Ex. 3:6), God is
called "the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.", thus
indicating that those three generations were one when seen from such a
In this way, when Abraham failed to set up the horizontal condition of
indemnity centering on himself due to his failure in the symbolic offering,
God, after all, put the case in the position as if the vertical conditions
of indemnity, set up while vertically prolonging the program through the
three generations of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, were horizontally restored
through indemnity within one generation, centering on Abraham. Therefore, it
is called the "horizontal restoration through indemnity carried out
In the "Introduction" to Part II, we discussed that in order for the
central figure, who is to set up faith, to restore the foundation of faith,
he must restore the mathematical period of indemnity for it. Let us here
study the reason for this.
God's form is also mathematical. Therefore, the world of creation,
centering on man, is the substantial object of God, with his dual
essentialities mathematically developed. For this reason, the development of
science, which is searching for the principle of created things on the
horizontal plane, is possible only by mathematical research. The first human
ancestor, thus created, was to become a substantial being, mathematically
perfected, by setting up the foundation of faith, only after having
undergone the mathematical period of growth. Since the world of creation, as
such, fell into Satan's dominion, man, in order to restore it, must restore
through indemnity the foundation of faith, by setting up conditional objects
symbolizing the world of creation, and then sitting up the mathematical
period of indemnity to restore the number invaded by Satan. Then, by what
number was the human ancestor, before the fall, to set up the foundation of
faith originally, and what kind of mathematically perfected substantial
being was he to become? According to the principle of creation, nothing can
exist without establishing the four position foundation. Accordingly, Adam
and Eve, who were in the period of immaturity, also continued their
existence by establishing the four position foundation. Meanwhile, this four
position foundation, with each position undergoing three stages of growth,
producing the total number "12", would altogether fulfill 12 objective
purposes. Accordingly, the period of growth, which was the period for Adam's
establishing the foundation of faith, was truly the period for the
completion of the number "12".
Therefore, first, the first human ancestors, who were in the period of
immaturity, had to establish the foundation of faith by the number "12".
However, due to their fall, this was invaded by Satan. Therefore, the
central figure who is to restore this through indemnity in the historical
course of the providence of restoration, cannot establish the foundation of
substance to restore the substantial being having perfected the number "12",
unless he can restore through indemnity the foundation of faith by setting
up the period of indemnity to restore the number "12".
For example, the 120-year period of Noah's building the ark, the 120-year
period of the providence of restoration of Canaan, centering on Moses, the
120 years from the time Abraham was called until the time when Jacob set up
the condition enabling him to restore the birthright from Esau, the 120
years of the United Kingdom in the Old Testament Age for the restoration
through indemnity of the previous period, and the 120-year period of the
Christian Kingdom in the New Testament Age are, without exception, periods
of indemnity to restore the number "12".
Next, Adam and Eve, in their immaturity before the fall, were supposed to
complete the four position foundation by entering the sphere of God's direct
dominion, the fourth stage, only after having undergone the three stages of
the period of growth. Consequently, the period of growth, in which they were
to establish the foundation of faith, was also the period for the completion
of the number "4".
Therefore, the first human ancestors, who were in their immaturity,
should have become the substantial beings having perfected the number "4",
by setting up the foundation of faith through the number "4" and by
accomplishing the four position foundation. However, due to their fall, this
was also invaded by Satan. Therefore, the central figure to restore this
through indemnity, in the historical course of the providence of
restoration, cannot establish the foundation of substance to restore the
substantial being having perfected the number "4", unless he can restore
through indemnity the foundation of faith by setting up the indemnity period
to restore the number "4".
As already discussed in detail (cf. Part II, Ch. 1, Sec. II, 1.2--252),
the 40-day judgment concerning Noah's ark, Moses' 40-day fast, the 40-day
period of spying in Canaan, the 40-day fast and 40-day resurrection of Jesus
were all periods of indemnity for the restoration of the number "4", to
restore the foundation of faith.
Again, the period of growth is also the period for the perfection of the
number "21". Therefore, the first human ancestors, in their immaturity, had
to become the substantial beings having perfected the number 21, by
establishing the foundation of faith through the number 21, and thus
fulfilling the purpose of creation. However, due to their fall, this also
was invaded by Satan. Therefore, the central figure to restore this through
indemnity, in the historical course of the providence of restoration, cannot
establish the foundation of substance to restore the substantial being
having perfected the number 21, unless he can restore through indemnity the
foundation of faith, by setting up the period of indemnity to restore the
number "21".
Let us then study why the period of growth becomes the period for the
perfection of the number "21". In order to know the meaning of the number
"21", we must first understand the significance in the Principle of the
numbers "3", "4" and "7". God, who is the subjective being with the dual
essentialities combined (and perfected), is a being of the number "3". The
perfection of a creature means to establish the four positions by becoming
one body with God. Therefore, in order for an individual man to be
perfected, he must establish the four position foundation by forming a
trinity with his mind and body combined, in harmony, centered on God.
Likewise, in order for a couple to be perfected, they must establish the
four position foundation by forming a trinity with the man and woman united,
centered on God. And, in order for the world of creation to be perfected,
all things must establish the four position foundation, by forming a trinity
with men and all things combined, in harmony, centered on God. Also, in
order for the created things to establish the four position foundation by
becoming one centered on God, they have to undergo the three stages of
growth, thus fulfilling the three objective purposes. For this reason, we
call the number "3" either the "heavenly number" or the "number of
Thus, when a subject and an object form a trinity by becoming one
harmonious united body centered on God, the individual body then decides his
position, as a creature furnished with the four directions of north, south,
east and west, by establishing the four position foundation. In that sense,
we call the number "4" the "earthly number".
Thus, when a creature establishes the four position foundation by going
through the growth period of three stages and is perfected as an existence
with a nature in time and space, he becomes a substantial being who has
perfected the number "7", the sum total of the heavenly number and earthly
number. This is why the whole period of the creation of heaven and earth
became 7 days. When we see the whole period of creation as one period, it
becomes the period for the perfection of the number "7". Therefore, we may
regard a certain period for anything to be perfected, as the period for the
perfection of the number "7". Thus, if we regard the three stages
(formation, growth, and perfection) forming the period of growth each as a
single period, each period would become the period for the perfection of the
number "7". We can then understand that the whole period is also the period
for the perfection of the number "21".
The following are examples of the indemnity period of the number "21",
which the central figures for the foundation of faith set up. During the
period of the flood in Noah's day, God had Noah send out the doves three
times in order to foreshadow His providence of three stages. By making the
time spaces 7 days each, the whole period seen from the will became 21 days
(Gen. 7:4, 8:10, 8:12). When Jacob set up the providential period of going
into Haran and again returning to Canaan, in order to set up the course of
the restoration of Canaan on the family level, he needed also 21 years, that
is, three times seven years. Further, for the period of restoring through
indemnity Jacob's 21 years, the period of the Israelites' captivity in
Babylon and their return encompassed 210 years. The period of the popes'
captivity and return also took 210 years.
The period of growth is also the period for the perfection of the number
"40". Therefore, fourth, the first human ancestors, in their immaturity
before the fall, had to become the substantial beings having perfected the
number "40", by setting up the foundation of faith through the number "40",
thus accomplishing the purpose of creation. Nevertheless, this was invaded
by Satan due to their fall. Therefore, the central figure to restore this
through indemnity could not establish the foundation of substance to restore
the substantial being having perfected the number "40", unless he could
restore through indemnity the foundation of faith, by setting up the period
of indemnity to restore the number "40".
Let us then study why the period of growth becomes the period for the
perfection of the number "40". Before we can know this, we must first
understand the significance of the number "10". If we divide the three
stages of the period of growth into three stages each, it makes a total of
nine stages. The basis in the Principle of the number "9" lies here.
Incidentally, the things of creation which were divided as God's substantial
object through the mathematical development of His invisible dual
essentialities can fulfill the purpose of creation only when they become one
body with God, by returning into the sphere of God's direct dominion, the
tenth stage, after passing through the nine stages of the period of growth.
Therefore, we call the number "10" the "returning number". God set up Noah
ten generations after Adam to set up the period of indemnity for the
restoration of the number "10" in order to have him return again to God.
Meanwhile, the four position foundation centered on Adam and Eve would
become the foundation which had perfected the number "40", by each position
going through the "10" stages of the period of growth and thus completing
the mathematical period of growth of the number "40" in total. Therefore the
period of growth is also the period for the perfection of the number "40".
Some examples of the indemnity period of the number "40" set up for the
restoration of this foundation, in the historical course of the providence
of restoration are: the 40-day period from the time when Noah's ark came to
rest on Mount Ararat until he sent out the doves; Moses' 40 years in
Pharaoh's palace; his 40 years in the wilderness of Midian; the 40 years in
the wilderness for the nationwide restoration of Canaan, and so on.
Here, we can understand that the number "40" in the providential course
of restoration through indemnity has two kinds of character. One is the
number "40", with the number "10", which is the returning number, multiplied
by the number "4", which fallen man must restore through indemnity. The
other is the number "40" to restore through indemnity what Adam, before the
fall, had to set up, as previously declared.
Meanwhile, the 40 years in the wilderness for the restoration of Canaan
on the national level was the period to restore through indemnity Moses' 40
years in Pharaoh's palace and his other 40 years in the wilderness of
Midian. At the same time, it was also the period to restore through
indemnity the 40-day spying and Moses' 40-day fast. Accordingly, this
40-year period, as discussed above, was to restore through indemnity both
numbers "40" of different characters at the same time. This phenomenon
occurs when the central figure to set up the foundation of faith
horizontally restores through indemnity all the vertical conditions of
indemnity at the same time. And, when the providence to restore through
indemnity the number "400" or to the number "4,000", according to the rule
of multiplication by a multiple of the number "10". The 400 years from Noah
to Abraham, the 400-year slavery in Egypt, and the 4,000 years from Adam to
Jesus are such examples.
According to what we previously discussed, let us summarize what kind of
mathematical period of indemnity must be set up in order for the central
figure in the providence of restoration to restore the foundation of faith.
The first human ancestors should have fulfilled the purpose of creation, by
setting up the foundation of faith according to the numbers "12", "4", "21",
and "40", and by becoming the substantial beings who had perfected these
numbers. However, due to their fall, all these were invaded by Satan.
Therefore, the central figure to restore these through indemnity in the
historical course of the providence of restoration cannot establish the
foundation of substance for the restoration of the substantial being who had
perfected all such numbers by restoring the foundation of faith, unless he
sets up a mathematical period of indemnity to restore the numbers "12", "4",
"21" and "40".
God chose Noah 10 generations (1600 years) after Adam, and set him up as
the central figure to restore the foundation of faith. We must understand
the significance of the "1600 years" and the "10 generations" as the
indemnity period to restore certain numbers.
We have previously discussed that the number "10" is the "returning
number", and that the period of growth is also the period for the perfection
of the number "10". Therefore, the first human ancestors should have become
the substantial beings having perfected the number "10" by going through the
period for the perfection of the number "10" through the accomplishment of
their own portions of responsibility. However, due to their fall, all these
things were invaded by Satan. Therefore, in order to work His providence of
restoration for the substantial being who has perfected the number "10", the
number which enables man to return to God, God must have the central figure
set up the period of indemnity to restore the number "10". In order to have
man set up this period of indemnity to restore the number "10", God called
Noah ten generations after Adam and set him up as the central figure for His
providence of restoration.
We have previously discussed that the first human ancestors could have
become the substantial beings having perfected the number "40" only by
undergoing the whole period of growth which served as a condition for
perfection of the number "40". Incidentally, fallen man cannot be set up as
the central figure to restore the substantial being having perfected the
number "40", unless, by establishing the four position foundation, he sets
up the period of indemnity to restore the number "40", which Adam should
have set up. Consequently, each position of the four position foundation
must set up the period of indemnity to restore the number "40". Therefore,
all those must become the period of indemnity to restore the number "160",
and since this must be set up during 10 generations as the returning number,
all those must be the period of indemnity to restore the number "1600". It
was because the fallen man had to set up such a period of indemnity to
restore the number "1600", that God chose Noah 1600 years--which was "10"
generations--after Adam.
After His providence of restoration centering on Noah's family had ended
in failure, God again chose Abraham after "400" years, which was "10"
generations, and set him up as the central figure for His providence of
restoration. Consequently, the period from Noah to Abraham was the period of
time-identity to restore through indemnity the period from Adam to Noah,
centering on the number of generations.
We have already discussed how this period became "400" years (cf. Part I,
Ch. 1, Sec. III, 1--41). God had Noah set up the 40-day judgment period to
accomplish the whole purpose of the mathematical restoration through
indemnity, by the 1600 years or ten generations. However, this 40-day
judgment period was invaded by Satan due to Ham's mistake. God was therefore
compelled to have the central figure in charge of His providence of
restoration set up again the period of indemnity to restore this. Since God
had worked to restore the indemnity period for the restoration of the number
"160" in each generation after Adam, having it continue for ten generations
until Noah, he also had to set up, as the indemnity period to restore the
judgment number "40", each of the ten generations from Noah to Abraham,
which formed the period identical to the former.
However, because He could not set up the indemnity period for one
generation with only 40 days, God had His people set up the indemnity period
for one generation with 40 years, in order to indemnify the failure in the
40-day judgment with the 40-year period, according to the law of indemnity.
This was similar to the Israelites' restoration through indemnity of their
failure in the 40 days of spying with the 40-year period of wandering in the
wilderness (Num. 14:34). Since God's providence of having the people set up
the one generation with 40 years lasted for 10 generations, 400 years were
needed for the whole period of indemnity.
As already clarified above, the central figure in charge of the
providence of restoration must horizontally restore through indemnity all
the vertical conditions of indemnity. Therefore, the longer the providential
history is prolonged, the heavier become the horizontal conditions of
indemnity which the person of a later generation in charge of the providence
of restoration must set up.
In the providence of restoration centering on Adam's family, God started
His providence of restoration for the first time. Naturally there was no
vertical condition of indemnity as yet. Accordingly, they could establish
the foundation to receive the Messiah very simply, by Cain and Abel offering
the symbolic sacrifices, and by Cain's offering substantial sacrifices
through establishing the condition of indemnity to remove the fallen nature
in obedience to Abel. Consequently, they could also restore the mathematical
period of indemnity to restore the foundation of faith, by the period of
offering symbolic sacrifices and substantial sacrifices. Because the
mathematical periods of indemnity remained as the vertical condition of
indemnity, as a result of the prolongation of the period for the providence
of restoration due to the failure of the offerings in Adam's family, the
central figure who had to set up faith after Adam had to establish the
mathematical period of indemnity to restore the numbers of "12", "4", "21",
and "40" in order to restore the foundation of faith.
Accordingly, Noah was in the position, horizontally, to restore through
indemnity that condition of indemnity. Therefore, for the mathematical
period of indemnity to restore the foundation of faith, he had to set up the
following periods: the 120 years for the period to build the ark, the 40
days for the period of flood judgment, the 21-day period (three times seven
days) which he set up in order to send out the doves (Gen. 7:4, 8:10, 8:12),
and the 40-day period from the time when the ark rested on Mount Ararat
until he sent out the doves (Gen. 8:8-12).
Due to Ham's failure, such mathematical periods of indemnity, set up by
Noah, were again invaded by Satan, thus remaining as vertical conditions of
indemnity. Therefore, Abraham had to restore that period through indemnity,
horizontally and at once, through a symbolic offering. However, Abraham also
failed in the symbolic offering, and could not restore those periods through
indemnity. Thus, in order to restore this period as the horizontal period of
indemnity carried out vertically, God again had to set up the period of
indemnity corresponding to each number of "12", "4", "21", and "40" by
extending the fulfillment of His will to Isaac and Jacob.
The providence of restoration centering on Abraham lists the following:
120 years from the time Abraham left Haran, until the time when Jacob took
the birthright from Esau; the 40 years after that, until jacob was Blessed
by Isaac with the birthright, and then again by God on his way to Haran
(Gen. 28: 10-14); the 21 years after that until the time he returned to
Canaan with his wives, children and his wealth after having completed his
drudgery in Haran (Gen. 31:41); and the 40 years from Jacob's return to
Canaan, until he went into Egypt to visit Joseph who had been sold. All
these were the horizontal periods of indemnity carried out vertically to
restore the foundation of faith. In this way, the length of the period of
horizontal restoration through indemnity carried out vertically was decided.
The providential age of restoration is the age to restore through
indemnity, as the image time-identity, the providential age for the
foundation of restoration, which is the age of symbolic time-identity. Let
us now study the formation and length of each period.
Noah established the foundation of faith on the foundation of separation
from Satan by the 40-day judgment. This foundation was nullified because of
Ham's failure, and God, in order to set up Abraham in the same position,
commanded him to offer symbolic sacrifices on the foundation of having
restored through indemnity the 400 years. However, due to Abraham's failure
in the offering, the foundation was again invaded by Satan. Thus, God had
the Israelites undergo the 400-year slavery in Egypt for the separation from
Satan again, in order to restore the 400-year foundation invaded by Satan
(Gen. 15:13). This period we call the "period of slavery in Egypt" (cf. Part
II, Ch. 1, Sec. III, 1--262). This period was that in which to restore
through indemnity, by the image time-identity, the 1600 years from Adam to
Noah, out of the period of symbolic time-identity.
In I Kings (6:1) it says:
In the four hundred and eightieth year after the people of Israel came
out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel,
in the month of Ziv, which is the second month, he began to build the house
of the Lord.
When we see that the fourth year of King Solomon after the 40-year reign
of King Saul and the 40-year reign of King David was said to be the 480th
year after the people of Israel came out of the land of Egypt, we can
understand that it was approximately a 400-year period after the Israelites'
return from Egypt into Canaan, until the time King Saul was enthroned. This
period we call the "period of Judges".
The Israelites, centering on Moses, had to stand on the foundation of
separation from Satan by the 400-year slavery in Egypt, in order to restore
on a national level the position of Abraham, who had been set up on the
foundation of separation from Satan by the 400 years from Noah. But, due to
the faithlessness of the Israelites who returned to Canaan centering on
Joshua in place of Moses, this foundation was again invaded by Satan.
Because of this, the Israelites had to separate themselves from Satan again
so that they could restore through indemnity again the foundation of the
400-year slavery in Egypt, which was invaded by Satan. The period set up
again for that reason was the 400 years of the period of the Judges, from
the Israelites' return into Canaan until the time King Saul was enthroned.
This period could restore by indemnity, as the image time-identity, the
400-year period from Noah to Abraham.
With the development of the providential age of restoration in order to
restore by indemnity the providential age for the foundation of restoration,
Abraham, who started this providential course, was in the position of Adam,
while Moses was in Noah's position, and King Saul in Abraham's position.
Abraham was the person to complete the providential period for the
foundation of restoration, and at the same time was the person to start the
providential period of restoration. Therefore, Abraham had to set up first
the family level foundation to receive the Messiah and, on this, he had to
set up the nationwide foundation to receive the Messiah. Just as God had to
realize, by all means, the family level foundation to receive the Messiah at
the time of Abraham, because it was His third attempt, He now had to
realize, by all means, His providence to set up the nationwide foundation
for the Messiah at the time of King Saul, because it was also His third
Abraham did not realize this will since he failed in his attempt to
horizontally restore by indemnity, centering on the symbolic offering, the
periods of 120 years, 400 days, 21 days, and 40 days, which were the
mathematical periods of indemnity to restore the foundation of faith, set up
at the time of Noah. Now, in order to restore these as the horizontal period
of indemnity carried out vertically, Abraham again set up the 120 years, 40
years, 21 years and 40 years. Likewise, King Saul, who, nationwide, restored
by indemnity the position of Abraham, also tried to restore horizontally by
indemnity, by erecting the temple and centering on it, the periods of 120
years (Moses' life consisted of three 40-year periods), 40 days (period of
fasting), 21 days (period of the first nationwide restoration of Canaan),
and 40 years (period in the wilderness), which were the mathematical periods
of indemnity to restore the foundation of faith of Moses' time.
However, King Saul also fell into faithlessness, thus failing to fulfill
this will (I Sam. 15:11-23). In order to restore those periods as the
horizontal period of indemnity carried out vertically, as in the time of
Abraham, God set up the 120 years of the period of the United Kingdom, the
400-year period of the Divided Kingdoms of North and South, the 210-year
period of the Israelites' captivity and return, and the 400-year period of
preparation for the coming of the Messiah, finally to receive the Messiah.
Therefore, the period of the United Kingdom was the period to restore by
indemnity the 120 years in which Moses set up, three times, the foundation
of faith for the nationwide restoration of Canaan.
Let us study this more concretely. After the Israelites centering on
Moses had stood upon the foundation of separation from Satan by the 400-year
slavery in Egypt, Moses set up the foundation of faith by his 40-year life
in Pharaoh's palace. Then he attempted to lead the Israelites into Canaan to
erect the holy temple. But, due to the faithlessness of the Israelites, this
course was prolonged to Moses' 40 years in the wilderness of Midian, and
then to the 40-year period of wandering in the wilderness.
Likewise, after the Israelites had stood on the foundation of having
restored the 400 years of slavery in Egypt through the 400 years of Judges,
King Saul had to set up the foundation of faith by restoring, with his
40-year reign, the 40-year life of Moses in Pharaoh's palace; then he had to
erect the temple. However, King Saul fell into faithlessness (I Sam.
15:11-23), and as in the time of Moses, the will of erecting the temple was
prolonged to the 40 years of King David, and to another 40 years of King
Solomon, thus making the 120-year period of the United Kingdom.
This period was the period to restore by indemnity, as the image
time-identity, the 120 years from the time of Abraham's departure from Haran
until Jacob took the birthright from Esau. Accordingly, just as the will for
Abraham was prolonged to Isaac, and then to Jacob, when it was realized,
King Saul's ideal of the temple was also prolonged to King David, and then
to King Solomon, when it was finally fulfilled.
King Saul attempted to horizontally restore by indemnity Moses' 40-day
fast for the restoration of the words, by realizing the ideal of erecting
the temple during the period of his 40-year reign.
However, due to his faithlessness, this period had to be restored as a
horizontal period of indemnity carried out vertically. This was the
providence behind the 400-year period of the divided kingdoms of Northern
Israel and Southern Judah, which lasted until the Israelites became captive
in Babylon.
This period could restore by indemnity, as the image time-identity, the
40-year period from the time when Jacob had set up the condition of taking
the birthright from Esau by some bread and pottage of lentils until he again
received the blessing from Isaac and from God (Gen. 28:13) and entered
The Northern Kingdom of Israel, due to the people's faithlessness, was
taken captive by Assyria. After that, the Southern Kingdom of Judah, due to
its faithlessness, was also taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar, king of
Babylonia. After spending 70 years as captives in Babylon, they were at last
liberated by a royal decree from Cyrus, the king of Persia, after Babylon's
fall to Persia. The Jewish people later returned to Jerusalem, and Nehemiah,
leading the remaining Jews, returned and built the walls again. They then
entered the period for the preparation to receive the Messiah, centering on
Malachi the prophet, according to Malachi's prophecy (Mal. 4:5). This was
the 210th year from their captivity in Babylon, and about the 140th year
from the time of their liberation. The sum of those periods is known as the
"period of the captivity and return of the Jewish people".
By realizing the ideal of the temple, King Saul tried to horizontally
restore by indemnity the 21-day period in which Moses first attempted to
lead the Israelites into Canaan. However, since he failed, due to his
disbelief, the 210-year period for the Jewish people's captivity and return
came about in order to restore this period as the horizontal period of
indemnity, carried out vertically.
Meanwhile, this period was that in which it was possible to restore by
indemnity, as the image time-identity, the 21-year period of Jacob's
drudgery in Haran (Gen. 31:41). The first 7 years Jacob spent in order to
take Leah, the second 7 years in order to take Rachel, and the third 7 years
from then until the time he returned to Canaan.
The Jewish people, after having returned to Canaan, their homeland,
rebuilt the temples and walls, and thus stood as a nation to receive the
Messiah according to the prophecy of Malachi the prophet. The 400-year
period from that time until the birth of Jesus we call the "period of
preparation for the coming of the Messiah".
King Saul attempted to horizontally restore by indemnity the 40-year
period in the wilderness which the Israelites, centering on Moses, spent in
their third course of restoration into Canaan, by realizing his ideal of the
temple. But, due to his faithlessness, this again ended in failure, and the
400-year period of preparation for the coming of the Messiah was set up, in
order to restore this period as the horizontal period of indemnity, carried
out vertically.
This period was again that in which to restore by indemnity, as the image
time-identity, the 40-year period from Jacob's return from Haran into Canaan
until he visited Egypt to meet Joseph, who had been sold by his brothers.
The providential age of the prolongation of restoration is that in which
it is possible to restore by indemnity, as the substantial time-identity,
the providential age of restoration, which is the age of image
time-identity. Therefore, in this age, each unit of time and its length
forming the providential age of restoration is restored by indemnity.
Jesus came to fulfill the will for Abraham, the father of faith. We know
that the Israelites had separated themselves from Satan through their 400
years of slavery in Egypt in order to restore by indemnity, on the
nationwide base, the foundation of faith which Abraham had failed to
establish, due to his mistake in the symbolic offering.
Likewise, the Christians had to endure a period similar to the period of
slavery in Egypt, in order to restore by indemnity the foundation of faith
left unaccomplished, due to the Jewish people's failure in offering Jesus as
a living sacrifice. This was the reason for the 400-year period of
persecution by the Roman Empire. In 313 A.D. after bitter persecution by the
Roman Empire, the Emperor Constantine publicly recognized Christianity. In
392 A.D. Theodocius I declared Christianity as the state religion.
Therefore, this period was that in which to restore by indemnity, as
substantial time-identity, the 400-year period of the Israelites' slavery in
Egypt out of the period of the image time-identity.
The 400-year period of Judges occurred in the period of the providence of
restoration, the period of the image time-identity. During this period the
people of Israel were ruled by the Judges. Therefore, during the
providential age for the prolongation of restoration, the period of
substantial time-identity, there also had to occur the period in which to
restore by indemnity this 400-year period of Judges. This was actually the
400-year period of Christian churches under the patriarchal system, in which
the people were led by the Patriarchs, corresponding to the Judges. It
lasted from the time when Christianity had been publicly recognized by the
Roman Empire as the national religion, until the time of the enthronement of
the Emperor Charlemagne in 800 A.D. Therefore, this period was that in which
to restore by indemnity, as the substantial time-identity, the 400-year
period of Judges out of the period of the image time-identity.
In the providential age of restoration, the people of Israel established
a kingdom for the first time, centering on King Saul. After that, they
formed the period of the United Kingdom for 120 years from King Saul through
King David and King Solomon. Accordingly, in order to restore this age by
indemnity, the period of the Christian Kingdom came about. It covered the
120 years from the enthronement of the Emperor Charlemagne in 800 A.D.,
until his royal heritage ceased, and Henry I was elected as King of Germany
in 919 A.D. Therefore, this period was that which restored by indemnity, as
the substantial time-identity, the 120-year period of the United Kingdom,
out of the period of the image time-identity.
During the period of the United Kingdom in the period of the providence
of restoration, the holy temple failed to stand in God's will. Finally the
kingdom was divided into North and South, thus beginning the 400-year period
of the divided kingdoms. Therefore, in the providential age for the
prolongation of restoration also, there had to occur a period to restore
this period by indemnity.
This was the 400-year period of the divided kingdoms of East and West,
which lasted from the time when the period of the Christian Kingdom was
finished until the Vatican moved to Avignon in Southern France in 1309. At
first the Christian Kingdom was divided into the three kingdoms of the East
Franks, West Franks, and Italy. But, since Italy was under the rule of the
East Franks, who had succeeded the Holy Roman Empire, the kingdom was in
fact divided into two kingdoms of East and West. Therefore, this period
served to restore by indemnity, as the substantial time-identity, the
400-year period of the divided kingdoms of North and South, out of the
period of the image time-identity.
During the period of the divided kingdoms of North and South, the
idol-worshipping Northern Kingdom of Israel was destroyed by Assyria, and
the Southern Kingdom of Judah also fell into faithlessness and failed to
rebuild the ideal of the temple. Therefore, 210 years elapsed from the time
when the Jews were taken captive in Babylon, the Satanic world, until they
again set up the temple after their return. Consequently, in order to
restore this period by indemnity, there came about the 210-year period of
papal captivity and return. It lasted from the time when Pope Clement V
moved the Holy See in 1309 from Rome to Avignon in Southern France, until
the popes returned to Rome and later saw the religious revolution in 1517.
Therefore, this period served to restore by indemnity, as the substantial
time-identity, the 210-year period of the Jewish captivity and their return,
out of the period of the image time-identity.
The Jewish people, who returned to Jerusalem after their liberation from
captivity in Babylon, rose in action for the renewal of the politics and
religion, centering on Malachi, the prophet. According to his prophecy (Mal
4:5), they began to make preparation to receive the Messiah; and, after the
400-year period, they finally received the Messiah.
Therefore, in order to restore the period by indemnity, even in the
providential age of the prolongation of restoration, there had to be a
400-year period, from the time when the religious revolution broke out in
1517, centering on Luther after the Pope had returned to Rome from his
imprisonment in Avignon, before we can ever receive the Lord of the Second
Advent. This period is the period of preparation for the Second Advent of
the Messiah. Therefore, this period serves to restore by indemnity, as the
substantial time-identity, the 400-year period of preparation for the coming
of the Messiah, out of the period of the image time-identity.
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